OrangePI Neo's shocking competitive price revealed

This week in Linux Gaming News, we'll talk about how Suyu was removed from GitLab, and what they plan to do next. Plus the OrangePI Neo's pricing gets revealed. And what new features have greeted us in the Steam Deck Beta Client this week? All this and more today!

Suyu removed from GitHub

So last week we talked about how Suyu, the cheeky little Yuzu fork, had a new release over on GitLab. Well, by the time the video went live, it had been removed from GitLab because, it's a fork of a quote "previously DMCA'd repository" on GitLab.

So Suyu lost access to their GitLab account. Lots of comments on my previous video were sayig "rip suyu" and because the internet is full of unoriginal degenerates, there were a few "this video aged like fine milk" as well.

But here's the thing, fellas. GitHub and GitLab are not the only place to host your code. GitLab is open source and you can self-host it on your own servers; far outside the reach of GitHub and GitLab's realm of authority. And that's what Suyu's devs are doing.

Princess Twilight Sparkle on the Suyu Discord said, quote:

"I have got a response from our legal team. We will need to use in the foreseeable future. Getting our gitlab back most likely needs us to go through a lawsuit, which is going to be very difficulty. We need to adapt/rewrite our ci for the new git. Thanks for your understanding."

So, remember kids: publishing your stuff to other people's websites is not an exercise of your free speech. Self-hosting is the only method to guarantee your freedom online. Anything else is a rental.

EA Anticheat in Battlefield

So, here's yet another vow from Electronic Arts to ruin their games for Steam Deck gamers. Quote:

As part of our ongoing efforts to create a safe and fair experience for all players we're transitioning Battlefield™ 2042 over to EA anticheat in October 2023, and Battlefield™ V in April 2024.

They go on to lie and say:

When we transition over to EA anticheat you won't notice anything different when logging in and playing, but this transition will enable our teams to be better equipped to find and remove players that don't play fair.

The fact is, EA's anticheat is a kernel-mode anticheat tool. That places it firmly in the realm of malware and therefore it should be illegal. Yet, somehow, complacent gamers the world over have decided they're okay with it. This is yet another prime example of why you should never buy a game from Electronic Arts.

Humble Boomer Shooter Bundle

Okay, next up we've got Humble's "Back with a vengance: the best of Boomer Shooters" bundle. That's a heck of a title, but this pack includes 7 high quality games including Ultrakill which is Verified, Turbo Overkill (verified), Forgive Me Father 2 (playable), Deadlink (playable), Prodeus (playable), Quake II (playable), and POSTAL: Brain Damaged (Verified).

I'm excited about this pack of titles for Quake II alone as this is the Nightdive remaster. But there's also ULTRAKILL which I've heard nothing but great things about. It's a frantic, bit-crushed boomer shooter with over-the-top violence that borders on slapstick. And it has a 98% positive rating.

OrangePi Neo Price Reveal

So for the last few weeks, we've been talking about the OrangePi Neo. This week, the official Manjaro Linux account on X tweeted, I mean Xcreted new details about the device. The Neo will have two SKUs, the entry level tier will come with:

  • The Ryzen 7 7840U
  • 16 GB of RAM
  • 512 GB of storage

And it will only cost an impressive $499 USD. The higher tier model will have the

  • Ryzen 9 8840U
  • 16 GB of RAM
  • and 512 GB of storage

The higher tier model will be $599 USD.

Excellent work by the Manjaro and OrangePi teams. I'm excited to get one of these in my hands and try it out. Hopefully we won't be waiting too much longer as they've apparently, officially launched the device in China. What do you think about the OrangePi Neo? Feed the engagement algorithm and leave a comment below. I'm excited to hear your thoughts. We're going to be covering this thing along with other Linux-first devices. So like that smash button and get subscribed. It's the best way to stay up-to-date with all the content we're releasing here twice a week.

Now let's get back to the video.

Discord to add Wayland screen sharing

So, recently a few people have noticed Discord starting to add Wayland support. This is excellent news since Discord's screen sharing on Linux has left a little something to be desired for a while now.

But what does Wayland bring to screensharing? Well, it provides a native UI to control exactly what gets shared. This gives the user more control and isolates more.

According to advaith on X, apparently their team hopes to get Wayland screenshare support this year.

Steam Deck Beta Updates

This week we've seen two decently sized beta updates for the Steam Deck. So let's talk about them.

March 22nd


  • Fixed corrupted fonts showing during early startup for Thai language and a few others

Steam Input

  • Fixed inverted axes when using "Setup Device Inputs"
  • Reverted change to default Conversion Style as "PlayerSpace" in "GyroToMouse" mode as it changed existing configs.
  • Fixed SteamDeck Configurator Templates' FlickStick default bindings.
  • (On those controllers with haptics support) a haptic bump will occur when gyroscope is turned on and off due to the Gyro Enable/Disable/Toggle Button, if haptics are not set to "Off".
  • Added Dualsense and Dualshock Gyro Enable/Disable/Toggle "center touch" and "center click" for completeness/to help with certain Paddle Mods.
  • Fix for Quick Settings "Enable Grip" Toggle.

Remote Play

  • Improved recovery from network disconnections before starting the stream

Steam Cloud

  • Fixed case where files for one Steam account could be overwritten by files from another Steam account if the first account had logged in but not played the game yet on the device.


  • Fixed a situation where Steam would attempt to execute the Windows version of a title without using Steam Play

March 27th


  • Reduced network traffic at startup and reconnect
  • Fixed support alert messages intermittently producing an error at startup.
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to access the Steam Family Management profile page.
  • Fixed a case where the SD card library would not be detected if added via Desktop Mode.
  • Fixed some applications not appearing in library when shared by a family member.

Desktop Mode

  • Fixed regression causing Steam News button to not work

-- Chapters --
00:00 Intro
00:18 Suyu goes self-hosted
01:41 EA PSA
02:53 Humble's Best of Boomer Shooters Bundle
03:55 OrangePi Neo pricing revealed
05:34 Discord intends full Wayland support this year
06:17 Steam Deck Beta Client Updates