The Steam Deck beta channel just had two updates!

The Steam Deck is an awesome device that receives constant updates. Valve has recently switched up the Steam Deck's release channels to include the Stable, Beta, and Preview branches.

The latest release on the Steam Deck beta channel includes the following changes:

  • Fixed styling for CJK keyboard glyphs so everything appears centered correctly on keys
  • Fixed Recommended Layout not always showing up for the author of controller configuration
  • Fixed CJK font issues in SteamOS updater when running on Steam Deck
  • Fixed focus issue when tapping the show/hide password button
  • Removed the gap between keys on the virtual keyboard for improved typing

And just an hour before that, Valve released another beta update that had one change:

  • Improved performance for Forza Horizon 5

It's great to see Valve pushing updates at least once a week in the Beta channel while keeping the Stable channel as it's namesake: stable.